Cooperative & Homeowners Association Law Firm

Recent Court Ruling Allows Landlords to Use Same Predicate Notice in Subsequent Proceedings

Courts have, until recently, applied a bright line rule that a predicate notice is no longer valid once a holdover proceeding ends, and may not be used again in a subsequent proceeding. Landlords were often forced to re-serve 30, 60 or even 90 day notices.

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Community Associations and Direct Employees: Are You Compliant?

Employment Law compliance is a top priority of federal, state and local governments seeking to protect the rights of employees. Community Associations that have direct employees are obligated to ensure that — just like any other employer  — they are in compliance with these laws.  Continue reading “Community Associations and Direct Employees: Are You Compliant?”


By Edward M. Taylor, Esq.

Picture this: A condominium building experiences water leaks from a rooftop and drainage system in need of repair. 

The Board of Managers takes steps to address the issue by hiring a contractor and commencing repairs, but the Board runs out of funding for the project prior to completion and the work is halted midstream.  The Board then struggles with the best way to gather sufficient funds and the project languishes.  In the meantime, unit owners continue to suffer from water leaks in their apartments.

Continue reading “HURRY UP – YOU MOVE TOO SLOW!”

Associate Attorneys Present Case Update and Anecdotes to Suffolk County Bar Association

Recently, Taylor, Eldridge & Endres Associate Attorneys, Melissa Schlactus and Beth Gazes, spoke to members and colleagues of the Suffolk County Bar Association.

Recently, Taylor, Eldridge & Endres Associate Attorneys, Melissa Schlactus and Beth Gazes, spoke to members and colleagues of the Suffolk County Bar Association presenting recent case law and anecdotes about neighbor-against-neighbor disputes, an issue that most association Boards and landlords face from time to time (or perhaps – unfortunately – frequently).  The purpose of the lecture was to discuss whether and how the Board or landlord should respond or intervene in neighbors’ disputes.  

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