Cooperative & Homeowners Association Law Firm

Grandfathered … or not?

A Westchester County cooperative apartment corporation decided to prohibit washing machines in apartments by creating a new House Rule.

 The basis for the new rule was a finding by the Board that the plumbing system in the building was “not sufficiently robust” to handle washing machines.  The co-op’s Board of Directors, however, took no steps to demand that shareholders remove any existing washing machines from their units.  Implicitly, the Board appeared to have granted these shareholders some form of “grandfather” status.
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CLOTHESLINES and other new technologies

Most Long Island community associations have a House Rule that prohibits homeowners from hanging their laundry outside to dry on a clothesline. 

Most Board Members in these communities would be dismayed to learn that, in community associations in other parts of the country, such rules are being eliminated — either by popular demand or legislation.
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Community Associations in the News

You may have read recently about the homeowners association in Las Vegas in which a teenage resident was severely injured in a playground accident (see the July/August 2018 issue of CAI’s Common Ground Magazine, pages 20-25).

The jury rendered a $20 million verdict for the plaintiff, which overwhelmed the HOA’s liability insurance policy limit of $2 million.

Continue reading “Community Associations in the News”

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