Cooperative & Homeowners Association Law Firm


I joined the Rotary Club of Smithtown four years ago as an avenue for community service, and along the way, I found an amazing group of new friends. Our Club, on a local level, is dedicated to fighting the heroin epidemic on Long Island, working with veterans and fostering literacy. On the international level, our Club joins with thousands of other Rotary Clubs across the country and around the world to eliminate polio, bring fresh water to those in need and peace to the world.

As Rotarians, we try to abide by what we call the Four-Way Test.

The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships.

Before we speak or act, we ask ourselves:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

This value can be seen at every level of Rotary—local, national, and international—and is a meaningful guidepost for conducting one’s life. Some attorneys may find it difficult to succeed using such a test, but I believe it is the root of my success as reputation is everything in the legal profession. I am currently serving my second term as President and am honored to be able to lead our Club in its 60th year. One way we accomplish our charitable giving is to raise money through a 5K run, scheduled this year for March 16. Last year was our 25th run and our most successful to date. Our Club’s success is attributable to the approximately 50 members who all work toward our motto of “Service Above Self”.

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