September 2018 E-Newsletter

In This issue: Upcoming Events | CAI Trade Show | Question of the Day

In-House Seminars
Board Member Education

Board members of condominium, co-op, and homeowner association communities are invited to attend the folowing educational seminars:

  • Sept. 26 – Annual Meetings and Elections
    The annual meeting and election process is fraught with danger. Communities need to deal with proper notice, nominations, proxies, quorums, contested elections, terms and inspectors. We will guide you through the potential pitfalls and help you get it right!

  • Oct. 30 – Reviewing Contracts
    Boards are often presented with a minimal proposal by a contractor which contains little or no protections for the community. When things go awry, the Board is in a compromised position. Learn about the importance of proper provisions such as hold harmless, indemnification, insurance, renewal, termination and other clauses that will protect you.

All seminars will start at 6:30 p.m. and will end by 8:00 p.m. Seminars are held in our office located at:
811 West Jericho Turnpike, Suite 101W; Smithtown, NY, 11787
Free Events • Reservations Required • Space is Limited

In-House Discussions

Community Association Board Members are invited to participate in an open discussion of issues that are of concern to you — and to others as well. These open discussions are an opportunity for you to enjoy light refreshments and to meet with others from condominium, co-op and HOA boards who are dealing with – or have dealt with – common problems and challenges.

Due to the popularity of our "Last Friday" discussion groups, we have expanded the program to include the "First Monday of the Month" evening discussion groups for those of you who cannot make our morning sessions.

These sessions have been well-received by Board Members and we are pleased to see a great turnout. Like always, members of our staff will be available as a resource if needed, but the conversation will be driven by you – the participant.

All open discussions will be held at our office located at:
811 West Jericho Turnpike, Suite 101W; Smithtown, NY, 11787
Reservations Required • Space is Limited • Light Refreshments Served

Last Friday of the Month Open Discussion
Our "Last Friday of the Month Discussion" sessions will be held on September 28 and October 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

First Monday of the Month Open Discussion
Our "First Monday Evening of the Month Discussion" sessions will be held on October 1 and November 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

CAI-LI Chapter's 12th Annual Trade Show
Saturday, October 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The CAI-LI 12th Annual Tradeshow will be held on October 13, 2018, at Hilton Long Island in Melville. Educational Classes & 60+ Exhibitors for Co-op, Condo, and HOA Board Members. Free Breakfast and Lunch Served. Free admission for Community Board members and Long Island Chapter Members.

To register for this event, click here.

Most Long Island community associations have a House Rule that prohibits homeowners from hanging their laundry outside to dry on a clothesline. Most Board Members in these communities would be dismayed to learn that, in community associations in other parts of the country, such rules are being eliminated — either by popular demand or legislation.

Yes, clotheslines are making a comeback! Condominiums and homeowners associations, mostly in the south and southwest, are recognizing that air drying saves energy (and money).

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